Ringwood Town Council

Annual Remembrance

Remembrance is part of modern British life, culture and heritage. 

Over the Remembrance period there are a number of commemorative services that take place for the people of Ringwood to come together to honour armed forces members who have died in the line of duty.

2023 Remembrance Events in Ringwood


Commemorative events took place in November and started on Saturday 4th November 2023 with a service at the War Graves in Ringwood Cemetery at 10:45am. Poppy crosses were laid on the graves of service personnel whose last resting place is Ringwood. 

On Armistice Day, Saturday 11th November 2023, a service took place at the War Memorial at 10:45am when a National 2 Minutes Silence was observed at 11am. In accordance with local tradition, the start and end of the silence was marked by the firing of a maroon generating a loud bang heard around the town.

On Sunday 12th November 2023, Remembrance Sunday, various services took place around the town after which a parade went from the Market Place at 1130am. The procession walked to the War Memorial Garden where a short service took place followed by the formal Act of Remembrance at 12 noon. This was followed by a formal wreath-laying ceremony and a procession back to Market Place.





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Ringwood Town Council News

Innovative Digital Cemetery Map now available for all to use



Innovative Digital Cemetery Map now available for all to use

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new digital map of Ringwood Cemetery, now available on our website. This innovative tool allows residents and visitors to search for burial records and locate graves with ease.

Consideration of planning application for Moortown Lane development delayed in light of new Neighbourhood Plan



Consideration of planning application for Moortown Lane development delayed in light of new Neighbourhood Plan

A planning application for a development of over 400 houses on land off Moortown Lane was due to be considered by New Forest District Council’s Planning Committee on 10 July but was removed from the agenda at the 11th hour. One of the reasons given was the recent adoption of the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan by the authority, which must be taken into consideration when determining planning applications as it is now part of the Development Plan.

Carver's Clubhouse Kicks Off Summer Programme for Local Families



Carver's Clubhouse Kicks Off Summer Programme for Local Families

The summer programme at Carvers Clubhouse offers a wide range of activities designed to keep local families, children and young people engaged and entertained throughout the school holiday.